al borde de un ataque

some stuff goin' on ovah here...

23 April 2006

lil' bit o' liza never did nobody wrong...

I'm actually quite jealous of her hairdo...back in 2000 I had the same 'do, but was lacking in the dance moves.....oh, she's quite a gem, isn't she?

click here to see what the hell I'm talkin' 'bout....(turn up your speakers!)

06 April 2006

the men I attract

Ummm, what? This was sent to me by some guy that I think(?) wants to meet/get with me? WTF...
hey yo, i think u gonna be some kind of funnie. am "solomon", and am make u laugh.."there is one effeminate man who is transexual and has soo many girl friends, they never knew he was a day,they were cursing themselves, and the man said to a lady"ya mamma's breast is soo powdered that if she blows it, it makes a buttered dust"

Somebody, anybody...please, send me some substantial men!

03 April 2006

a kiwi and a baby

Upon looking at him and then his work, I take great pause and think about my brief two-week experience with the artist lionel bawden. We met by chance through a friend and luckily spent some odd days exploring the city. From classy joints like the Metropolitan Opera to dingy places like le cock, we tried to squeeze it all in. Anyway, some of his artwork is listed here, here and here…and I just found out he’s going to do a show at GAS in Tribeca in June, so let’s cross our fingers and hope he comes back…I do miss him so…

A few weeks after lionel left, I headed upstate to my friend D’s to see her and her new cremebebe. Every morning we woke up at six to eat breakfast and watch some freaked out children’s development television show. A complete shift change for D, but she seems to be doing well…quite well considering she and I have passed out a number of times in her car on Avenue A, but that’s a whole other story.
Oh, and that pic above? My brother's wedding in Vegas...stories coming soon...